What credentials should one use to login to Swift?
An active Birlasoft employee should be able to login with his windows/My-World credentials. External user/customer should consider login-id as password
How to fill time-logs?
Consider the path: Workspaces > Home > Timesheet > Time Tracking
How to approve timesheet?
Consider the path: Workspaces > Home > Timesheet > Timesheet Approval
What if no work-packet(s)/task(s) are visible in the timesheet window?
You may seek help from your Project-Manager/Lead for work assignments.
How can one create a new project in Swift?
You may please raise an Service-Now request under ISG
How to view all allocated team-members within a project?
Invoke the respective project. Then, consider the path: Plan >> Team Members
Where should other Swift issues be raised?
On Service-Now category ISG